Other Courses
Students who want to enter private high schools in the US are required to take either SSAT or ISEE. Both are 3hour tests that measure verbal and quantitative ability. SSAT has analogy questions and deducts points for wrong answers whereas ISEE does not. Private tutoring is available.
SAT subject Tests
Many highly selective schools require you to take one hour SAT Subject tests. Subject test topics include English literature, Math 1&2, U.S History, World History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chinese, French, German and other foreign languages. The subject test is 1 hour long and each subject has a different test format. The score is from 200-800, with 600 being the average for most tests.
SAT Jakarta currently offers courses in SAT Math 1&2, Chemistry and Biology. Each course consists of:
- 5 two hour classes
- 2 proctored practice tests
In the course, students will be able to review subject content and familiarize themselves with the test format and learn some strategies and tips for taking the test.
Private Tutoring for Math, English, Biology, Chemistry or Mandarin is also available
Most business schools require the GMAT for entry into their MBA programs. The GMAT is 3hr and 30 min and consists of 3 sections namely Quantitative, Verbal and Analytical writing Assessment (two 30 min essays). The test is computer adaptive so that your previous answer determines the next question asked. The more questions you answer correctly, the harder the questions will be and when you answer a question incorrectly, your next question will be easier. Your score depends on the number of questions you answer correctly, the level of difficulty and the total number of questions you answer.
The GRE is required by almost all graduate schools in the US and many English speaking countries. I t is a 3 h and 45 min computer based test that consists of Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal reasoning sections. The test is adaptive by section, so your score on one section determines the level of difficulty of your next section.
SAT Jakarta currently offer private tutoring in GMAT and GRE:
- 24 hours of classes
- 3 full-length online practice tests
- Expert instruction
Program Lainnya
SAT Tes subjek
Banyak sekolah sangat selektif mengharuskan anda untuk mengambil SAT II tes Subyek. Subjek tes topik termasuk sastra Inggris, Matematika 1 & 2, Sejarah AS, Sejarah Dunia, Biologi, Kimia, Fisika, Bahasa Mandarin, Perancis, Jerman dan bahasa asing lainnya
Saat ini SAT Jakarta menawarkan program di SAT Math 1 & 2, Kimia dan Biologi. Setiap kursus terdiri dari:
- 12 jam kelas
- 2 tes praktek
Bimbingan belajar privat untuk Matematika, Bahasa Inggris, Biologi, Kimia atau Mandarin juga tersedia.
Sebagian besar sekolah bisnis memerlukan GMAT untuk masuk ke program MBA mereka. Tes GMAT ini 3jam dan 30 menit dan terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu kuantitatif, verbal dan Menulis. Tes ini komputer adaptif sehingga jawaban anda sebelumnya menentukan pertanyaan berikutnya. Lebih banyak anda menjawab dengan benar, semakin susah pertanyaan. Bila Anda menjawab pertanyaan salah, pertanyaan selanjutnya akan lebih mudah. Skor anda tergantung pada jumlah pertanyaan yang anda anda dengan benar, tingkat kesulitan dan jumlah pertanyaan yang anda jawab.
Kami saat ini menawarkan GMAT:
- 30 jam kelas
- 4 tes praktek online
- Ahli instruksi