What is SAT?
The SAT is a standardized test that consists of Math, Reading and Writing. The test is 3hrs and 45 min and includes an optional essay. Math topics tested include Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Complex number and other advanced topics.
SAT is a very unique test and requires a different approach. However, just like any standardized test, students can learn how to take the test. In the SAT Jakarta SAT course, students will not only learn the topics tested but also how to answer questions correctly with confidence by using our smart techniques and strategies.
Prepare for the SAT during the holidays! We have regular and intensive classes. Register now for free SAT practice test
- 24 hour classes
- Smart Techniques and Strategies
- 3 Proctored Practice Tests
- Small Class Size ( 3-9 students)
- Flexible Schedule (Sundays and holidays)
- Extra Help Provided
Why take the SAT?
If you are applying to competitive schools like Columbia University, UC-Berkeley or trying to win scholarships, you would need to take the SAT or ACT. SAT is offered only 4 times a year in Indonesia : March, May, Oct and Dec.
What is the ACT?
The ACT is similar to ACT, but it covers an additional Science section. The essay is also optional but most schools require it.
Why take a course with SAT Jakarta ?
Many students can study by themselves and do well on the SAT. However, some students who usually do well in school can do badly on the SAT because they are not familiar with the test and the type of questions asked. In the SAT Jakarta SAT course, students will learn proven techniques and strategies that are specially formulated for the SAT test. In addition, students get to experience real test conditions through 3 proctored practice tests. The course emphasizes what is important so that students can prepare for the test effectively. Students also get personalized attention because of our small class size.
What kind of course?
SAT Jakarta SAT course lasts for 1-2 months and consists of 12 two hour classes or 8 three hour classes and 3 four hour tests. Tests are held on the weekends and classes usually meet 2-3 times a week. Students have to be tested before they are accepted into the course. Besides group courses, we also offer private tutoring for those who want a personal tutor and greater flexibility. Students can choose to focus on either Math or Verbal (reading & Writing).
Kenapa mengambil SAT?
Jika anda mendaftar ke sekolah-sekolah yang kompetitif seperti Columbia University, UC-Berkeley atau mencoba untuk memenangkan beasiswa, anda akan perlu untuk mengambil SAT atau ACT.
Apa SAT?
SAT adalah sebuah tes standar yang terdiri dari Matematika, Membaca dan Menulis. Tes ini 3 jam dan 45 menit dan termasuk opsional esai.
Apa ACT?
ACT sama dengan SAT, tapi mencakup topik Ilmu Pengetahuan. Esai juga opsional, tetapi sebagian besar sekolah memerlukannya.
Mengapa mengambil kursus SAT Jakarta?
Banyak siswa dapat belajar sendiri dan mendapatkan hasil SAT yang baik. Namun, SAT berbeda dari tes lainnya. Beberapa siswa yang biasa pelajarannya baik di sekolah, bisa mendapat nilai SAT yang buruk karena mereka tidak biasa dengan tes dan jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan. Dalam kursus SAT Jakarta, siswa akan mempelajari teknik-teknik yang telah terbukti dan strategi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk SAT. Selain itu, siswa mendapatkan pengalaman kondisi pengujian riil melalui 3 tes praktek. Kursus ini menekankan apa yang penting agar siswa dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk tes secara efektif.
Kursus yang mana?
Kursus SAT Jakarta kami berlangsung selama 1-2 bulan dan terdiri dari 12 kelas masing masing 2 jam atau 8 kelas masing masing 3 jam dan 3 tes ( setiap tes 4 jam). Tes diadakan di akhir pekan dan kelas biasanya bertemu 2-3 kali seminggu. Siswa harus diuji sebelum mereka diterima kursus. Selain kursus kelompok, kami juga menawarkan kursus privat bagi mereka yang ingin tutor pribadi dan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar. Siswa dapat memilih untuk fokus pada Math atau Verbal (membaca & Menulis).